She was the first female aviater to fly ALL ALONE across the atlantic ocean... in that ruggedy thing. Thats a courageous thing to do, and especially alone
Answers A!
I gave this exact question to my students on my English quiz!
Isolation is separating yourself from others by free will for, doing it yourself. Quarantine on the other hand is being told to separate from others usually when they have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease. Example: Corona
When you really think about it quarantine is for when there is a contagious disease so, you have to split up.
Hi, you didn't put the answer options, but I can help you by showing you that the central idea in “two ways of looking at a river” is the statement that the more we know something, the more we change our opinion about it .
"Two ways of looking at a river" is a work by Mark Twain and describes how he changed his mind about the Mississippi River as he got to know it more and more. In the text Twain shows how he saw the river as something beautiful, poetic , somewhat mystical and transcendent, as something supernatural and ideological. However, after becoming a steamboat pilot and knowing the river in a professional way he started to change his mind, he started to see the river as something normal and natural, very different from the vision I had before.