Answer: Option A.
Have Christina agree to a larger order before he leaves.
From the dialogue between Warren and Christina, it is more likely that Christina had purchase the service and Warren is trying to encourage and tell her about their services as the best and to try and increase her order.
Warren tried to convince Christina to increase her orders before he leaves that is why he said they are the best in the New York City.
His goal is to persuade her to order for more.
A tercet is a three line stanza.
It's not a genre, nor a rhyming scheme, nor is it a figure of speech. Tercets usually have more than 4 syllables per line.
Mr.Avery said "It was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobeyed their parents, smoked cigarettes and made war on each other, the seasons would change".
This sentence was in the first paragraph on page 1 of chapter 8.
"The book describes the prejudice and segregation that inspired black people in Birmingham, Alabama, to organize and demand their civil rights. The many protests included a march by students, many of whom were interviewed for this book. Their stories describe what life was like in a segregated town and explain why it was worth risking everything for equal rights."