In the emotional, facial, memory, motor, social, spatial,
and verbal domains cerebral cortex abstracting thinking and decision making part
of the brain we can see frontal lobes of the cortex - higher order thinking and
good judgment impairment here; get them drunk and observe their social
red blood cells (RBCs) misfolding and convert in sickle shapevfrom the donut with out hole shape.
A <u><em>receptor</em></u> is a protein that recognizes and responds to a signal.
A receptor is a protein molecule present on the cells on which the signalling molecules can bind and generate a physiological response. Some receptor molecules can also respond to Sun and light. Each type of cell has specific receptors molecules and hence can respond to specific signals. The receptor molecules hence tend to receive signals for a cell. Molecules such as hormones bind to the receptors.
Sarcomeres are functional units of skeletal muscle fiber.
Hope this helps!
Stop habitat destruction
Cutting down and burning forests basically take away the shelter, hunting grounds, and overall habitat away from many species that use the trees as a form of shelter and protection. Removing their shelter, which could be their only form of protection causes many of these organisms to die, not to mention the plants that are necessary to keep the food chain balanced.