Both were born into slavery, and escaped into slavery. While Tubman physically guided slaves along the route to freedom, Douglass wrote and spoke to white audiences about the travails of living first as a slave and then as a black man, subject to the racism of the time.
Fillmore's letter was full of diplomacy, commercial ability and firmness, the president always referred to the Japanese authority as "your majesty", this represented the diplomatic recognition of the one who governed Japan at the time, besides that, he also treated him very kindly so that Japan agreed to trade with the United States, and at the same time exhort him firmly to abandon the old policies that restricted them from doing business with foreign countries on the one hand, and open up to new forms of trade, explaining how, when and what they could trade.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference, not us.
To understand their beliefs about life and death
The study of ancient man is always a learning process. Trough these studies we can understand their way of life, and then see the evolutionary process which will make us comprehend our path until this moment. In the case of the burial rituals, it's not only important to understand their belief about life and death, but also an interesting activity to make a comparison between their ideas and our modern thinking.
The basis for the wealth of Ghana Mali and Songhai was built on gold.