The Chinese military first used bugle calls and signals to relay signals and communicate instructions among its soldiers. They used bugle calls during the Korean War which happened in 1950 up to 1953.
It was said that the Chinese military use of bugle calls, which emitted sounds that were hauntingly unfamiliar to the American and Korean soldiers, is a form of psychological warfare that left said soldiers shaken and unable to defend their positions resulting to their deaths.
Between 1921 and 1925 Adolf Hitler developed the belief that Germany required Lebensraum ('living space') in order to survive. The conviction that this living space could be gained only in the east, and specifically from Russia, formed the core of this idea, and shaped his policy after his take-over of power in Germany in 1933.
The government put millions to work during the Great Depression by increasing funding on public work projects, and pressed employers not to reduce wages.
They viewed it as a new world where they could create things for themselves, and that way they could gain their simple human rights.