The juxaposition of animal hunting scenes and a marine scene, combined with the lack of human figures on any of the floors, makes the Lod Mosac very unusual. Because the mosaic's imagery has no overt religious content, it cannot be determined whether the owner was a pagan, a Jew, or Christian.
Answer and explanation:
The musician can play different notes by pulling more or less on the washbasin mast due to the tension applied on the string.
This is because the more the mast is pulled, the more the washtub bass string is stretched and this increases the tension on that string. The stresses determine the type of note that will be exposed. This is because the higher the desired note, the more tension must be applied to the string, so the mast must be pulled harder.
dynamics – is not the right answer. In music, dynamics are the different variations of sounds, notes, and phrases, going between loud and soft.
Ces – is incorrect. It is the German term for the sound of C-flat.
<u>pitch – is the correct answer.</u> Knowing the pitch of the note and sound means knowing how low or high it is.<u> Its loudness is determined by the vibrations of the sound.</u> They are measured by the <em>Hertz (Hz).</em>
timbre – is not the correct answer. Timbre is the quality of the tone and sound, as well as the color. It is a distinct character of the music, different from intensity, vibrations, and pitch.
amplitude – is not the right answer. Amplitudes are the sizes of the vibrations. By them, it is determined how loud the sound is.
It is called a Musical Phrase