The sentence needs commas because the participial phrase is essential.
Oh boy I’m gonna try or help as best as I can. After reading the poem I think that the imagery of freedom would be death. In the poem he consistently talks about how he could have died but didn’t. So I think that death would be freedom because it would end all of his struggling/ pain/ troubles. He constantly talks about how freedom (death) is so close in his grasp but he never quite makes it, he never dies. So I think he has a lack of freedom because although he could do what ever he wanted (for example jump in the river or take an elevator to the top floor) he never had the freedom he WANTED he never had the freedom to end life when he wanted to. And once he realized that he never had that freedom he decided that “life was fine”. I’m not sure if that makes sense but I hope it helps. If this confuses you then you should probably just wait till someone else answers
to expose the conflict between the two feuding families
The play begins with the two families showcasing their feud for each other. It starts with the servants of the Capulets seeing the servants of the Montagues approaching and deciding to start a quarrel with them because their masters were quarrelling with each other.
This establishes that there was a conflict between the two families. It was also a foreboding of the tragedy that was to occur in the later part of the drama.
Answer: 1. C 2.B 3. Correct as is
The second part is B
Brian learns that nature can be cruel. He also learns to respect nature and to be aware of his surroundings. While the attack from the moose may have appeared random to Brian, he did learn that the moose provides a warning before attacking.