The purpose of having flags on the stems of the notes is, this indicates that f<span>or each flag, the note's value is cut smaller by half. The more flags a note has, the shorter its length is. This has also the same purpose with beams. Notes smaller than quarter notes have flags or beams. Hope this answer helps.</span>
120 eighth notes per minute.
The timing is a jig, (6/8 timing) meaning that there are 6 beats per measure and the 8th note gets one beat. 120 is the metronome speed, indicating that the piece must be played at the speed of 120 eighth notes per minute.
Hope this helps!
Mehndi art are skin designs and patterns that are very similar to tattoos, yet temporary. The paste is created from a henna plant and is usually an orange color that dries darker. They consist of very intricate patterns and designs with lots of lines and shapes. Lots of them consist of flowers or lace-like patterns. I hope this helps!
Tell what can I do for you
3. Dynamics indicates the loudness or softness of music.
4. A decrescendo is used to indicate that the music should gradually become softer.
12. The dot after a note increases its value by half of its original value
13. Allegro is a commonly used tempo marking, indicating to move at a brisk tempo.
Sorry I don't know all of the answers, hope this helps!