Academic Honors if in a prestigious school.
Club Memberships might be the best option though worded oddly.
Artistic Achievements if a loose fun school with a casual page design.
Future Goals for a beginning or ending class of the school.
This is a complicated question... It depends what part of the yearbook this is in. Being part of year book for the last two years and taking photo and video classes the last five, we have put all of these in all the books.
<span>The speaker retells a story from Greek mythology, the rape of the girl Leda by the god Zeus, who had assumed the form of a swan. Leda felt a sudden blow, with the “great wings” of the swan still beating above her. Her thighs were caressed by “the dark webs,” and the nape of her neck was caught in his bill; he held “her helpless breast upon his breast.” </span>
i'm pretty sure the answer is satire based on the fact its almost using humor to explain this bad situation the girl is in. :)
Even it is true that Jim would have an important perspective of the story because he also had many hard times and feelings, it would not be that inspirational, because Della's suffered a whole lot more than Jim. So Jim's perspective would obscure the significance, intention and strenght of the story. One of the reasons why O.Henry chose Della is because as a woman would tell the story with more sentiment and with the appropiate feeling