Complement circumstantial de cauza→subordonata circumstantiala cauzala (de ce? din ce cauza?)
1) Fiindca era suparat, s-a retras intr-un colt al camerei.
2) Nu plange de tristete, intrucat este bucuros.
3) Deoarece invata mereu, i-a fost usor la examen.
4) Pentru ca erau ceilalti, am pierdut meciul.
5) Caci era multa galagie, nu am auzit sunand la usa.
Which of the following statements best summarizes the content of the two sources?
Im guessing this is Romanian....
This is the translation
proverbial were those who established norms of conduct and principles of life reaching throughout history to be unwritten laws. elaborate and present a decalogue of Romanian proverbs and sayings for your colleagues.