Amerigo Vespucci is remembered for several important reasons. He explored the mouth of the Amazon River. He also developed a method for determining longitude. Perhaps Vespucci's most important contribution, however, was his realization that the continent he was exploring was not Asia.
En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean
Cyrus the Great-defeated the Medes and became the first leader of the Persian Empire-created the Immortals, a force of 10,000 highly skilled warriors to serve him-expanded the Persian Empire by conquering surrounding landsDarius 1-divided the Persian Empire into 20 provinces (these were called satraps)-tolerated religions and customs of conquered peoples-established the capital called Persepolis
Well, as it being one of the deadliest events in american history, the town was similar to that of the aftermath of a Hydrogen bomb going off, no human remains, just the sight of pure and utter destruction.