Dark urine is usually indicative of dehydration; but there could be more reasons responsible for it. Ideally, when you eat or drink something, it goes through your digestive tract, circulatory system and then to your kidney. Kidneys are where everything is filtered and urine is produced. Urine contains the harmful toxins which need to be eliminated from the body. Darker urine is more concentrated. It is indicative of the fact that unnecessary toxins and wastes are circulating in your body which could mess with your health. This, again, depends on how much fluids you drink throughout the day. But there could be many other reasons responsible for the same.
hope the answer helped you
absolute age(true age) The age of a geologic phenomenon measured in present Earth years, rather than its age relative to other geologic phenomena (compare relative age)
(A nebula)
is a cloud of gas (hydrogen) and dust in space. Nebulae are the birthplace biths. There are different types of nebula. An Emission Nebubla such as Orion nebula, glows brightly because the gas in it is energised by the stars that have already formed within it.
(A star)
is a luminous globe of gas producing its own heat and light by nuclear reactions (nuclear fusion). They are born from nebulae and consist mostly of hydrogen and helium gas.
(red giant)
This is a large bright star with a cool surface. It is formed during the later stages of the evolution of a star like the Sun, as it runs
out of hydrogen fuel at its centre.
(red dwarf)
These are very cool, faint and small stars, approximately one tenth the mass and diameter of the Sun. They burn very slowly and have estimated lifetimes of 100 billion years.
(white dwarf)
This is very small, hot star, the last stage in the life cycle of a star like the Sun. White dwarfs have a mass similar to that of the Sun, but only 1% of the Sun's diameter; approximately the diameter of the Earth.
(Black holes)
are believed to form from massive stars at the end of their life times. The gravitational pull in a black hole is so great that nothing can escape from it, not even light. The density of matter in a black hole cannot be measured.
Only glucose is produced in the light independent stage of the reaction