C) Cultural expressions and experiences may grow more similar across the globe. Cultural diffusion is the spread of traditions and cultural beliefs from one group to another.
Magellan called the ocean Pacífico (or "Pacific" meaning, "peaceful") because, after sailing through the stormy seas off Cape Horn, the expedition found calm waters. The ocean was often called the Sea of Magellan in his honor until the eighteenth century.
Water volume: 710,000,000 km3 (170,000,000 ...
Surface area: 165,250,000 km2 (63,800,000 sq mi)
With South Americas Rain forest , it produces 20% of the earths oxygen. Also many drugs used to treat people have come the plants of Amazon. The worlds climate would be much different because ocean currents would be different . Europe would not have the warmth of the North Atantic drift current to keep it warm. It would be more like Siberia .It is located primarily in the southern hemisphere. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The geography of South America is dominated by the Andes Mountain Range and the Amazon River (second longest river in the world).Andes Mountains. The Andean Mountains, or Andes, stretch for nearly 7,000 km across the continent, from the top to the bottom. ...
Amazon Basin. ...
Atacama Desert. ...
Brazilian Highlands.
Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. ...
Hello! It’s not January or June, because one Hemisphere will be hot, while another one will be cold. November could work, but then it would get colder and colder from there. It has to be March, because that’s where the spring equinox begins, where the days are balanced and the temperature start to become moderate. The answer is C: March.