Uso de vehículos eléctricos y evitar el uso de combustibles fósiles.
Para preservar los bajos niveles de contaminación y mejorar la calidad del aire alcanzada en la cuarentena, reduzca el uso de combustibles fósiles que se utilizan para la producción de energía, industrias y vehículos. Los vehículos producen la mayor cantidad de dispositivos de dióxido de carbono que causa la contaminación del aire. Durante el cierre, hay menos cantidad de contaminación porque hay menos vehículos en las carreteras. Deberíamos utilizar vehículos que funcionen con electricidad porque no produce contaminación y, por lo tanto, se mejorará la calidad del aire.
if you live in the northern hemishpere the earth is closer to the sun during winter but the earth is tilted so we are away from the sun making it winter while the southern hemisphere is closer. and when its our summer the earth is further away but the earth is tilted to make us closer than the southern hemisphere
the northeast direction and up the East Coast of the United States
This track allows continuous moisture to feed in from the ocean and enhances the precipitation in the cyclone.
Seismometers are tools which measure motion in the ground including seismic waves generated by earthquakes, volcanoes, and other activities which might create seismic waves. Seismometers measure any movement of seismic activity in the earth and today this is done by electronic means whereby the machine measures any changes in seismic activity in the surrounding areas of the seismometer. The first seismometer is believed to have been invented by Zhang Heng of China's Han Dynasty in 132 AD.
Answer: d) 4000MW
The attachments below shows the Table that completes this question and a brief calculation explaining the answer.