B. When it starts by saying "He never yet said a boorish thing" it is saying that he never said anything mean, he was never a mean, or ill spirited person, he didn't use his knightlyhood as a way to have power over anyone
9. Either-or
10. False Cause
9.The argument says there are only 2 sides to the argument (you don't have to have a job to be successful, but the text implies that you do)
10. The argument says that the mayor being soft on crime caused the crime rate to increase, which doesn't necessarily have to be true.
The sentence <em>The cat ate the rat </em>contains a direct object.
<em>The cat </em>is the subject, <em>ate </em>is the verb, <em>the rat </em>is the direct object.
Maria wasn't very glad to see her brother