Tener capacidades personales quiere decir que tienes como dice 'capacidades' cosas que puedes hacer y que haces bien, cuando tienes muchas capacidades personales tu autoestima va a ser mas alto naturalmente porque sabes que puedes hacer mucho. Esto no quiere decir que si no tienes capacidades vas a tener baja autoestima pero que es mas probable que la gente con muchas capacidades vaya a tener alta autoestima a que alguien que no.
Although Mexico and the United States share a border of nearly 2,000 miles on the same continent, there are many differences between the two cultures that define and celebrate the heritage of each country.In the U.S. we experience many of the Mexican cultures, especially towards the South along the boarders.
In the United States, there is no federally recognized language, but over half of the 50 states have recognized American English as their official language. While English is the most spoken language around the world, there are nearly 150 living languages spoken around the United States to this day. However Mexico doesn't have a defined language either. Mexico is believed to be the most populated speaking spanish, and has more speaking spanish people than Main happens to have. The Government in Mexico believes that there is 62 indigenous languages that are spoken within the country's boarders.
In the United States there is no such thing as "traditional" food. As to Mexican food is known world wide because, of it's distinctive flavors and colors. Mexicans take a lot of pride in their food, containing delicious spices, and herbs.
Americans place most of their time on themselves and their profession so much, that in most times their work comes before their family. So the children intend to grow up independent, and seperate from their family in most cases.In Mexican culture, they tend to put their children before anything else. The children are usually taught to put family first and brought up with a lot of care and attention. It's not usually common for Mexican families to live in one location for generations
1. Yo voy a leer un libro. 2. Mi familia y yo miraremos la televisión. 3. Mis amigos alquilaran unos DVD's. 4. Mi primo pasara un rato con sus amigos. 5. Tú vas a jugar al béisbol.
They are parasitic for survival. Cannot just do it all alone but rely on others.
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