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The Transcendentalists were radical thinkers. At the time of their meetings, New England was still holding on to a remnant of Puritanical values. There was a sense that organized religion had authority over one's personal life and individual choices. For the Transcendentalists, this was a big no-no! They were quite critical of conformity, or forcing one's behavior to match social expectations or standards. They were nonconformists - people who do not conform to a generally accepted pattern of thought or action. They rejected common ideas and practices, particularly organized religion. There wasn't a Transcendentalist church or a holy book of Transcendentalism. Instead, there were regular meetings for lively conversation and a shared hope of cultivating a modern, fluid, and personal sense of spirituality.
After he had been on a diet for two weeks, my friend p o
Do good unto the world and the world will do good unto you. This can be supported because of the fact that although Kelly originally showed a character flaw by not listening to her sister's poem, she was able to redeem herself when she declined Leah's offer of cheating, remembered her little sister's coat, and prayed for forgiveness. The story leads you to believe these are the reason's why Evie is found quickly and unharmed.