Code of Hammurabi tell us about the daily lives of the ancient Babylonians?
These laws tell us that the people of Babylon had to work for everything they got. Also there were many slaves that the people got from debts, wars, and other events. Another thing is that the laws favored the upper classmen.
Centrally, with good access roads. And central to the maybe tri city school districts. So equal distant to the surrounding schools
Layers such as population with an age of less than 25, and or with a population of 20-35 for future athletes being born into.
probably with about 200+ per square mile.
Depending on the area
Not to be gender bias but you could look for higher male than female. Or opposite.
Could profile with race..
and also checking surrounding parks /fields, and other sporting goods stores
atleast trying to make it renewable as possible, not use it too much, not taking the non renewable one, possibly find a new place that have the enough resource and.. maybe going further into space to use it resource