Yes this is a proper way to use the word cliche in the sentence, because youre saying her sweater is overused
I was going to get some food at night and have a little late-night snack. There is this really big mirror a few rooms from my kitchen and it always gave me spooky vibes like this 0o0 anyways... that night as I was going to get some yogurt or something in the mirror not only was there my reflection like normal, but there was also a little girl too. I'm the only child...except my parents were going to have another baby before me but it passed away before birth..... so ye.
(I made up this story everything is true except for the seeing a little girl part. Imagine this actually happens one night tho.
robots on earth are here to help.There are many robots including ones that help picking up trash,Ect.Robots Can be good and bad because it can be dangerous.It dangerous because it could out of control and harm people.Most Robot builders test them.That can still help, but not alot.The robot can get over heated or to cold.