when you chop a recipe like that you have to divide all the measurements by the same number you reduced the product number of.
1940’s America was a cruel place for blacks. Segregation was imbedded in the code of law as well as the everyday fabric of life.
Defying caricature, White saw the people with whom he shared a culture as much more than marginalized and dimensionless.
Throughout capturing African Americans in a chronicle way, White's works not only represent an epitome of unfair discrimination which has been morally justified, but also speaking for the lower class of color people at them time, their strength to fight, and their shine in eyes will not surrender to this desperate, frustrating reality.
How was Giotto's ability to show depth different from more traditional methods? He did not rely on the traditional method of an architectural framework. ... Giotto's work made a great impact and paved the way for new and artistic innovative change, and most of it was located in the Chapel.
Yield in culinary terms refers to how much you will have of a finished or processed product. Professional recipes should always state a yield; for example, a tomato soup recipe may yield 15 L, and a muffin recipe may yield 24 muffins.
He claims that vaulting ambition is his only motivation for the assassination.
Although he was ambitious before he talked to the witches, after hearing the prophecy (and after his wife goaded him into it), he decided to kill the king and become the next ruler himself. After that, both his paranoia and ambition only grew stronger and led him to his demise.