I know that it’s not fun to have to do this kind of stuff, but coming from a fellow student, it’s genuinely better to just do the work. Also, speaking from experience, your teacher probably has a plagiarism checker, and can see that you’ve cheated on your assignment. It’s better in the long run to just do the work instead or depending on others to do it for you. I’m sorry if this answer wasn’t what you were looking for, but I just don’t want people using this app to cheat on bigger things like this. Also, I feel that this is something you could have fun doing. Dunno if I accomplished anything by saying this or not, just try to do the work, as boring as it may seem
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In my opinion, that's the closest to the synonym of meeting
the fifth diget from the right is always a ten thousand. So you know that you have to round that. Now you look at the thousand. When the number is under a 5 then you round down and if the number is a 5 or higher then you round up. In this case the thousand is a 6 so you round up and turn the 2 into a 3. The rest of the numbers that are after the three turn into a 0.
I hope this helps XD