what is te essay to be about
not sure but I think its an adjectival phrase
Walt Whitman
<u>Walt Whitman is usually called "the father of the free verse". </u><u>Whitman had to self-publish the first book of poems, </u><em><u>Leaves of Grass</u></em><u>, with his own money in 1855. It was considered too off the standards of British poetry of the time. </u>
Even if it is considered one of his greatest books to this day, only the few copies were sold and it received very mixed reviews at the time, especially because of the free verse he used.
A. The woman who is crossing the street is my ex-wife</span>
Not having the excerpt here, I can only help you to find the answer. Mood is the feeling you get when you read the passage. Foreboding is fearful or apprehensive. Welcoming is or can be joyful and accommodating or making someone feel comfortable in their surroundings. Sorrowful is sad or mournful. Optimistic is positive, hopeful, and confident about your future. As you read the passage, which of these are you feeling or closely matches your feelings.