The influenza virus killed between 20-100 million people during its spread starting in 1918. Sample Answer, Conclusion: The influenza virus taught the world that diseases can spread rapidly and kill millions in a short amount of time.
I did On Edge 2021
Not everyone speaks the same language, nor can anyone speak everything single language. It can be tough communicating with people of different languages. Sometimes the best we can do to communicate is pointing, using symbols, and watching there body language. although we all may not speak the same language, we all do speak the same body language.
Completed thought
The sentence, "Flora flew a yellow kite" is a completed thought because it has a subject, a verb, contains a clause and ends with a punctuation mark which was a period in this case.
It is not a subject because a subject is the performer of the action in a sentence, and it is also not a verb because a verb is an action word, however, it contains a subject and a verb and contains a completed thought.
Eddie awakes in some kind of amusement park. He is able to pull himself up and walk without his cane; he does not feel any pain. He then notices that he is at Ruby Pier. The colors and the attractions seem different and he realizes that he is at the Ruby Pier from his childhood, over 75 years ago.