1. don't pass, will be
2. will get, eat
3. don't help, won't help
4. are meeting, will you go?
5. will stay, rains
Puts on
7.Will go
8.Will... tell
10.Go... Will find out...
Maintaining balance entails making sure things are in the right place, in the right proportion and maintaining a stable look and stand.
Maintaining a balance on a power point presentation entails that one considers these; ths one should carefully analyse how the different images go together and ensure that the positioning of elements within the images helps to make the individuals point and is pleasing to view.
This can be tasking but worth every effort put in to achieve such, because it will make your presentation to be easier to explain and better understood.
Application Software Type Examples
Word processing software MS Word, WordPad and Notepad
Database software Oracle, MS Access etc
Spreadsheet software Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel
Multimedia software Real Player, Media Player
Presentation Software Microsoft Power Point, Keynotes
An instance in my life where I rendered services was when I worked in a grocery store.
The roles of entrepreneur include:
- Allocating employees duties.
- Improving standard of living.
- Taking risks.
The three challenges that a young entrepreneur faces today include:
- Financial instability.
- Conflicts with education.
- Lack of business skills.
The top three characteristics of an entrepreneur include:
- Innovation.
- Confidence
- Risk taking
<h3>Who's an entrepreneur?</h3>
It should be noted that a entrepreneur is an individual who owns business and take risks.
The roles of entrepreneur include allocating employees duties, improving standard of living, and taking risks
Learn more about entrepreneur on: