Answer. "tis some visitor." The reader feels suspense as to whom this visitor may be.
Explanation::He tries to calm himself down, telling himself that "tis some visitor" who has dropped by unexpectedly. But who is this visitor?
(sorry this is so late!)
I think this is based on your opinion rather than facts so you can use what you know to give your OWN opinion シ
Contains. Should be contain instead
The incorrect verb is contains. The verb that agrees with the subject and sentence should be contain because a rule of subject verb agreement states that <em>subjects</em><em> </em><em>joined</em><em> </em><em>by</em><em> </em><em>"</em><em>and</em><em>"</em><em> </em><em>takes</em><em> </em><em>a</em><em> </em><em>plural</em><em> </em><em>verb</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>and</em><em> </em><em>a</em><em> </em><em>plural</em><em> </em><em>verb</em><em> </em><em>has</em><em> </em><em>no</em><em> </em><em>"</em><em>s.</em><em>"</em>
In this sentence, the subjects are the peanut butter and microwaveable popcorn. It is joined by "and" and as the rule states subjects joined by "and" take a plural verb which has no "s"
today he is going on vacation, he is going to a beautiful beach in san diego.
i don't know i just tried to help you as i can
Shaw asserts that" the rest of the story need not to be shown in action and indeed would hardly need telling if not for our dependence on the romantic traditions of happy endings."
In the pygmalion play, Shaw tries to not only use language and words to create art but also to make the readers to examine the power of language. Shaw insisted that Eliza will not marry Higgins because Higgins is domineering and insensitive.. Higgins objectifies Eliza as well as bullies her. She is the main component of his experiment. the major themes of the play is that of language, social status and transformation.
Eliza's well considered decision not to marry Higgins is as a result of the way he treats her and her instincts tells her not to marry Higgins. She is therefore guided by her instinct. however Higgins indifference to young women on his believe that they had an irresistible rival in his mother gave a clue as to how an inveterate old bachelor he is. For Higgins to idealize his mother instead of Eliza seem to them as absurd and unnatural. Eliza also mentions the fact that Mr.Fredrick Eynsford Hill is pouring out his love for her daily and Freddy is twenty years younger than Higgins, He is also a gentleman and well dressed and loves her genuinely and as well does not dominate her or master over her like Higgins.