The Containment Strategy was the principal strategy adopted by the US in foreign policy matters during the Cold War era.
It aimed to stop the expansion of the national enemy: communism, and in turn, of the URSS and the countries under its influence, that were denominated the Eastern Bloc. It consisted on responding to any attempt of expansion performed by the URSS, seeking to spread communism in Eastern Europe, Korea, China Africa, Vietnam, and Latin America.
I think congress amended to the constitution to require that no president serve more than 2 terms as to be sure no president turned into a king or tyrannical leader. I agree with this amendment as it helps keep order and wont allow any president to overstay their welcome and gain to much power. The founding fathers were just escaping a king and they would not want a president to be like a king.
Vice President Thomas Jefferson, Democratic-Republican Party, defeated President John Adams of the Federalist Party
A. Evidence because they want to know if what they research is true.
George Washignton era el primer presidente de usa