Volcanoes are the molten rocks (i.e., magma) that's been erupted out of the opening of Earth's crust in the form of lava. Volcanoes along with lava also releases gases, ash and solid rocks.
Plate tectonic is a scientific theory evolved from the theory of continental drift, proposed by Alfred Wegener. This theory was fully explained in 1960s. According to this theory, scientists believe that the Earth's crust is formed with six big lithospheric plate and several smaller ones. These plates are joined together like a big puzzle and are not fixed. These plates float on half molten magma and moves along the movement of these magma. They move few centimeters per year, either towards each other or apart from each other. This movement of these plates causes Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
Volcanoes are formed at the boundaries of these tectonic plates.
The mid-ocean ridges or underwater mountains are formed from the volcanic activity. Volcanoes that are formed at mid-ocean ridge is when two plates move apart from each other. In this activity, the plates move away from each other, magma rises up between the cracks and then it cools down and gets hardened up.
Read the excerpt from the Fed Up website. Which statement opposes a viewpoint expressed in the excerpt?
I'm a single mother with three children in the public school system, and I'm tired of all this testing mania. I realize that teachers and students need to be assessed, but enough is enough already. I am against extending the school day for standardized-test tutoring. I work long hours and don't get to spend enough time with my kids as it is. I don't want them coming home just in time for dinner only to disappear into their rooms and do homework until bedtime. But I'm also against pulling students out of supposedly "nonessential classes" like music and art just so they can spend even more time on the so-called essential classes. I happen to think that music and art are essential, and I know my children agree.
Should be D
He was defending himself against Communist accusations
Throughout the book, he expressed his criticisms of the accusations
The answer is Secured credit card. It is used to pay the needed materials but she needs to pay it every month. This has interests so she needs to consider her debts and the profit she can get from her business.