Measurements of regional and global disparities: Define indices of infant mortality, education, nutrition, income, marginalization and Human Development
Index (HDI). Explain the value of the indices in measuring disparities across the globe.
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The data showed that the main environmental problems in Western Europe were: energy production/acid rain, nuclear power/waste, air pollution/climate, heavy metals, pesticides, water pollution, solid waste, and unforeseen accidents. Many environmental problems are common to most European countries.
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Concord Hymn was a poem written by the famous transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson. A radical thinker in his time, Emerson is now known as one of the greatest philosophers in history, a pioneer in the idea that the individual is more important than the group. Living during the Industrial Revolution, he saw how society was becoming confined by its own need for itself. He wrote multiple works expressing the need to remove one’s self from civilization and reconnect with nature and with God.</span>