Bad data in Geography causes a loss of accuracy in the size or position of objects on a map.
Nations of the world can work together to use energy more efficiently.
In the Middle East, you can expect mainly earthquakes to happen. Earthquakes also result in other natural disasters such as mudslides and floods. To prepare for earthquakes, you can pratice what to do during an actual earthquake such as if you're a farmer and outside, you would want to get to an open area to avoid powerlines, trees, or anything that could come down. To also prepare for or prevent a mudslide, plant and water diversion are good methods to stay safe. You can also make sure you plant appropriately on hills. For floods, you can always ask others about relocation routes and centres. On top of that, if possible, you can prepare a household flood plan.
Ultraviolet radiation and Infrared light
There is a low energy of the ultraviolet spectrum that reaches the surface of the Earth and is the one that causes sunburns and make it necessary to wear sunglasses. Also, infrared radiation enters the troposophere and is the one that warms the Earth surface.