The dramatic irony is that while the characters did not know the true reaction of Mrs. Mallard, the readers/ audience knows that she is celebrating her husband's death, for it meant freedom for her.
Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour" revolves around the character Mrs. Mallard and how she reacted to the news of her husband's death. Contrary to the other characters' beliefs, she had a different side of reaction which was abruptly stopped by the sudden turn of events at the end of the story.
When the news of the death of Mr. Mallard first arrived, Mrs. Mallard immediately went to a separate room. The others thought she's been crying her heart out and would be heartbroken. But contrary to that, Mrs. Mallard was instead 'celebrating' the broken chain of her husband's hand/ control over her. She was free to think and do whatever she wants, whispering to herself <em>"Free! Body and soul free!"</em> All the while, her sister Josephine was pleading with her to open the door or else she'll make herself sick with worry and grief.
The<u> dramatic irony is that while the characters did not know the true reaction of Mrs. Mallard, the readers/ audience knows that she is celebrating her husband's death, for it meant freedom for her.</u> The audience/ readers are privy to the situation while the other characters are not.
The reader would know the thoughts of all the characters. ... Writers expect readers to remember these feelings when they describe certain scenes, and they hope readers will make inferences based on these feelings.
"The Black Ball" is a collection of stories by Ralph Ellison. In this collection, Ellison describes the problems and tribulations that African American people experienced in the years after World War II. The collection discusses many important topics, including segregation, racism, the divisions that existed between Americans of different races, etc.
Literary works of this kind were extremely important in the period after World War II. After the war, African Americans began to fight for equality and representation in a more systematic way. Their contributions during the war years exemplified the importance of their role in society and the need for equality. These works became significant because they illustrated how unique African American experiences were. They became a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement that would take place in the 1950s and 1960s.
1. The teacher had to constrain the class.
2. The war was contemporary.
3. They had to depict for the class presentation.
4. He was disintetrested in the event.
5. They had to encompass their favourite subjects in a mood board.
6. The thing he did was completely groundless.
7. She was a hypocrite, always pretending to like people she hang out with.
8. She found the things in the maths class completely incompressible.
9. She managed to manipulate him into doing something with her lies.
10. He had a lot of stamina so he was always ready for anything in a p.e. lesson.
hewo Asuna here
I love him dearly, but will he see clearly,
when I say stop, am i just a prop?
I don't wanna be onstage, I would rather live my days,
free of this cage, i tell him no but still he goes,
and i shall forever be stuck on this stage,
hope this helps