Answer: The words in caps are the direct object pronoun (YO) meaning (I) and preterite tense (Compre) meaning (Purchased).
Si YO COMPRE los patines (Yes I purchased the skates)
1. Where is the pool
2. Don’t know how to translate that sorry
3. Where is the movie theatre
4. Where is the pharmacy
5. What is behind the church
6.where do i pass by when i go to the collage
7. How do i get to my friends house from my house at my friends house, what do i do to get to the police station( i think that what it is)
9. What street is the train station at
10. What is around the plaza
5. Tampoco vamos a pescar.
6. No hay ninguna fiesta esta noche.
7. Yo no conozco a nadie famoso.
8. No quiero comer en algún restaurante típico.
Hope this helps :)
1-la pobre familia...
2-esta es la tercera...
3-habia muchos payasos...
4-la banda siempre toca la misma musica...
OK pero donde esta porque no lo veo