the warm water and abundant sunlight in the nertic zone limits the plankton population
Messenger RNA is used to copy and encode genetic information from DNA base pairs by forming complementary strand of RNA molecule from the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm.
Transfer RNA reads sequence of nucleotide from messenger RNA and translate them into proteins or amino acids during proten synthesis.
This is the first step in gene expression where information from DNA is copied into a complementary strand of RNA molecule using RNA polymerase enzyme.
Messenger RNA made from the process of transcription travels to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where proteins are produced using transfer RNA to copy the information.
The use of DNA to make proteins.
Through gene expression (central dogma of biology), the DNA molecule carries information, a gene code, in form of base pairing sequences that are transcribed to RNA and further translated to functional proteins or amino acids.
W= 19.25J
W= F × d Equation
W= 5.5 × 3.5 Put numbers into variables
W= 19.25J Multiply and put in correct measurement
Before mitosis can begin, the DNA within the parent cells must be duplicated so that each daughter cell receives the exact same genetic information. For this reason, cells produced during mitosis are identical. <span />