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High school students and medical students
The author points out that medical students, who are about to become some of the most trusted people in the world, are allowed to take open-book exams, so high school students should be able to as well.
BTW, I just did the test, and this was correct.
A. Science just sucks all the beauty out of everything, reducing it all to numbers and tables and measurements!
B. That is a very convenient point of view since it makes it not only unnecessary, but downright aesthetically wrong, to try to follow all that hard stuff in science.
C. Should I be satisfied to watch the sun glinting off a single pebble and scorn any knowledge of a beach?
D. Beyond our own cluster, other galaxies and other clusters exist; some clusters made up of thousands of galaxies.
answer is c
Reading between the lines is also known as inferring. It is when the information isn't explicit but you have to do some digging for it and it is not out of reach, therefore a reading between the lines question is a question where it doesn't give you all of the info, but you have to work out some of it for yourself.