Do I have an article or something I can look at???
Juliet's because she worked so hard to be with Romeo and he positioned himself thinking she was dead and then she fell on his weapon.
so tragic that one death caused a nother.
demand (an amount) as a price from someone for a service rendered or goods supplied.
accuse (someone) of something, especially an offense under law.
The correct answer is B. Sally has a new blue bedspread.
Why not the other ones?
A. The table was delivered in two, cardboard boxes. - this sentence should not have a coma between 'two' and 'cardboard'
C. It is, an octagonal, wooden table. - we don't put a comma after verb - in this case after 'is'
D. The old, and dusty table had cracked broken legs. - there is no need to put a comma before a conjunction word (i this case - and)