Although Jaguars are the biggest cats in North and South America, they are not invincible. Biologists have guessed that at least 64 jaguars have been killed in Arizona since the 1900’s. One of the reasons that jaguars are being killed is for everywhere is for their beautiful coat and teeth, which in some cultures is belived to protect the wearer from snakebites that is why
Answer: since the Quebeckers are native french speakers vs the rest of Canada who's first language is English.
<em>The two primary factors that impact how a well of lava will eject are consistency and gas content. </em>
<em>Both are identified with the arrangement of the magma. </em>Hawaiian volcanoes will in general emit basalt , which is low in consistency and low in gas content (about 0.5 weight percent).
The higher the level of silica substance of magma, the more thick it is. <em>Since a magma with less silica substance is moderately liquid and has a high capacity to stream (low consistency)</em>
Mars has 7 natural resources
Big bang theory?
Just guessing from my gut