Economic stability
Economic stability refers to abscence of excessive flactuationsin the macroeconomy.
planting of crops led to food security without food human life cannot be sustained hence other products cannot be produced.surplus production of crpos led to development of civilization which led to a stable economy because farmers could earn income from their products A stable economy later leads to political stabilty .
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The process of assimilation generally had a negative impact on Native American communities, and oftentimes assimilation was not successful and was strongly resisted by the tribes. It began to break down the cohesive culture of various Native American tribes, taking children away from their families and sending them to boarding schools. At these schools, sometimes assimilation was moderately successful, but at the cost of depriving these children of their heritage and created a disconnect between them and their families.
Another aspect of assimilation that had a negative impact was the US attempt to incorporate Native Americans and their land into the greater country by offering citizenship and land allotments, forcing a political and social model on them that was inconsistent with their long-established traditions and culture.
What are the Articles of Articles of The Constitution? Together, the articles of the constitution work to establish the branches of the federal government and describe what powers they have. Article 1 gives Congress its powers and limits. Congress is the branch of the government who can make laws for the country.