The tone is reflective; words such as before and used establish this because they show that Anne is thinking meaningfully about the past.
Calpurnia's cot shows how segregation is everywhere in Maycomb, including the Finch home.
We know that Aunt Alexandra has somewhere to sleep when she stays with them, suggesting that they have a spare bedroom. However, when Calpurnia stays with the Finches, she is not allowed to stay in the spare room.
An interjection expresses an a sudden remark. "Ouch" is the interjection.
C) put quotation marks around the words
It turns out that being a wallflower isn't such a bad thing. Patrick sums up Charlie's wallflower-like nature by saying, "You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand." Staying quiet and simply observing the absurdity that is high school allows a "wallflower" to navigate through this brutal social labyrinth without getting too caught up in the insanity.