In the late 1700s and early 1800s, women in the United States practically had no rights.
Henry VII's tactful manner and intelligent mind meant that he was undoubtedly the better King due to his unswerving determination to transform England into a blend of harmony, wealth and social success.
Explanation:Henry VII is known for successfully ending the War of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York and for founding the Tudor dynasty.
C and D
The Black Death was a distraction because people were focusing on the plague and not invaders at the time.
A lot of people died from the plague which left Europe in despair
Institute Photo Archive)
Warships are complex and sophisticated tools; understanding and communicating what makes a difference to their quality, capability and value for money are difficult tasks. An example of how it might be done is the way air forces have used the shorthand of 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation fighter aircraft. This post proposes a system of classifying warships by generation. The purpose is twofold: first, to enable navies to more easily and clearly communicate with policy makers and the general public about current and future capability. The case for a future surface combatant is not proved simply by a label, but the ability to quickly communicate the direction and consequence of such a capability makes it more memorable for those who do not live and breathe the detail.
The second purpose is to provide a different lens for understanding improvements in capability. Navies are constantly seeking capability improvements, but why and how have different technological and operational improvements had greater impact? By identifying those historical examples which had large impacts, it will assist identification of future improvements. Moreover, it will enable estimation of their development paths and the organisational changes required to support them.
This classification scheme uses the 1906 launch of HMS Dreadnought as its starting point, because it the best known of a series of technological and tactical evolutions which together constitute the start of modern naval warfare. Many of the elements of contemporary naval warfare are discernible from about 1900: beyond visual range wireless communications, aircraft, submarines, fire control systems (early analogue computers) and modern propulsion systems.
The international system consists of actors and structure. The actors are the individuals,countries while the structure is the rules and regulations governing them. Iran in the nuclear deal agreed to stop all production of nuclear weapons in exchange for the trade sanctions on them to be removed but decided to pull out when the United states pulled out too. The completion of the Iran nuclear accord came due to the deal struck with the United states.