The goal of the French Revolution was to give the lower class a say in the democracy.
Some ways of getting involved are:
-voting (here for the experience, ask yourself if you have the right to vote? does your family vote? your friends?
-participating in political campaigns (do you know anyway that participated in a campaign? You can also do it unofficially, for example even by posting Facebook posts about a candidate!)
-belonging to a party - do you know anyone in a political party?
The question asks about your personal experience so I can only give you tips how to answer this about yourself!
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199 years
The BCE is known as Before the Common Era, while CE means Common Era. And because the year is counted downwards, 100 BCE to CE is expected to be 100 years. However, because there is no 0 CE, hence that would be 99 years.
Also, adding the next 100 CE years, that will make the total sum of 199 years.
In other words, The calculation is 100 BCE + 100 CE, which equals 200 years. However, there is a need to adjust for the absence of year 0. This is done by subtracting 1 from the answer, hence, 200 minus 1 is 199.
Banks channel money from savers to borrowers in order to make money off of the "interest" that is charged by the bank to the person or firm taking out a loan. A portion of this interest is also paid to the original "saver".