The kings time rulibg consisted of the king ignoring America and their prosperity
If you are talking about the big 3 religions, Chritianity, Hinduism, and Islam the beginnings are all different.
Christianity with its roots in Judaism, began in the 1st century A.D. after Jesus died in the Roman Empire, it was spread by many of his disciples and other apostles, however, there was a period of time Christians were persecuted. Hinduism started in India in 1500 BC, it is said that this religion was brought by the Aryans. Islam, rooted in both Judaism and Christianity started in 7th century Mecca by Muhammed Ali.
The territory was name after the Wyoming valley in Pennsylvania, made famous by 1809 poem Gertrude of Wyoming by thomas Campbell based on the battle of Wyoming in the American war of independence.the name ultimately from munsee word meaning "at the big river flat."
Puritan settlements in New England tended to be very strict, hard-working, and God-fearing people, who coined the phrase "Idle hands make the Devil's work"