1 cm to 1,00,000 cm. As 1 km represents 1,00,000 cm. That's why 1 cm to 1 km.
Scale represents the ratio between map distance and ground distance. Representative Fraction, Graphical scale, Linear scale and Comparative scale, Statement scale all are various categories of scale.
In Representative Fraction (R.F) values are represented in ratio format. Here, 1 cm map distance representing 1,00,000 cm ground distance. As 1 km= 1,00,000 cm. That's why 1 cm to 1 km means 1 cm map distance represents 1 km ground distance in reality.
Statement scale represents the values in a sentence. For eg. 1 cm to 1 km. Linear scale represents the values in primary and secondary divisions likewise Comparative scale compares two different units in a single scale.
Artwork is something that can be shared even in tough times. It can bring hope when it seems like there is none. With artwork you can illustrate many things one of those things can be hope. This artwork is letting others know that even though they are quarantined, they are not alone and will never be.
There are more tropical storms that may increase in magnitude
All tropical cyclones form over the ocean.
Answer: Option B
The tropical cyclones form above the ocean. To form a cyclone, warm, moist air rises above the ocean and as it rises, it creates an area of lower air pressure and air of high pressure area is also shifted to areas of low pressure area which when rises form clouds. This whole system of cloud and wind spins together fed by ocean's heat and as it spins faster and faster it results in a cyclone forming an eye in the center.
It's one of the following:
1) Social Science
2) Sociology
3) Anthropology
I'm leaning towards social science, but there are far too many variables in what constitutes a probable, correct response to this particular question.