The reason why Robinson includes the descripiton of African American is: B: to point out that African Americans have greatly suffered for far too long
First, they have to endure the excruciating centuries during the period of slavery which caused a lot of death and suffering. Even after the abolitionists managed to created legislation to free the slaves, they still have to face racial injustice, especially shown during the period of racial segregation.
Conditions on the middle passage were harsh and many died on the way due to malnutrition and disease
The wall separated East Berlin and West Berlin. It was built in order to prevent people from fleeing East Berlin. In many ways it was the perfect symbol of the "Iron Curtain" that separated the democratic western countries and the communist countries of Eastern Europe throughout the Cold War.
while the chernobyl and gulf war killed thousands the wall was still way worse.
Why shouldn't we judge historical figures by the standards of our time?
Many of the vices we might rightfully judge a historical society or individual for are largely universal across culture and society.
We should judge them accordingly and learn from their mistakes, but we should also judge them by the degree to which that person or culture rejected those common vices and built something better. This is something quite rare and it’s far more useful as a learning tool for us to focus on this.
For example, the Greeks and Romans practiced slaveryBut so did every other ancient society. What is unique and admirable about the Greeks and Romans is the degree to which they did respect indvidual rights, seriously questioned slavery as an institution, and developed a secular, pro reason culture
if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest
The correct answer is the first one: the indirect rule. Indirect rule was a system of British and French colonial powers, which employed the local structures and rulers, which enabled stability, while ensuring the power remained in the hands of the Colonial power.