"Sovereignty" means control over one's own nation or territory.
Hawaii was concerned with sovereignty in 1884 because in that year the Kingdom of Hawaii was signing a treaty that gave the United States "the exclusive right to enter the harbor of the Pearl River in the Island of Oahu" (in other words, Pearl Harbor), "and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things needful to the purpose aforesaid." (You can tell I'm quoting from the actual treaty there.)
When the treaty was reaffirmed and extended in 1887, King Kalaukaua of Hawaii said to the Hawaiian legislature that his government had assurances from the US government that the treaty did "not cede any territory or part with or impair any right of sovereignty or jurisdiction on the part of the Hawaiian Kingdom."
Ultimately, however, in an age when imperialism was common throughout the world, the United States did take over control of Hawaii. In the late 1800s, the US supported American sugar planters who overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy, and by 1900 Hawaii became a US territory.
It was an decision that the U.S Supreme court in which the court ruled the American state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, even if the segregated schools are other wise equal in quality.
La separación de Panamá de Colombia se formalizó el 3 de noviembre de 1903, con el establecimiento de la República de Panamá. Desde la Independencia de Panamá de España en 1821, Panamá había declarado simultáneamente su independencia de España y se había unido a la confederación de Gran Colombia a través del Acta de Independencia de Panamá. Panamá siempre estuvo tenuemente conectado con el resto del país hacia el sur, debido a su lejanía del gobierno en Bogotá y la falta de una conexión terrestre práctica con el resto de Gran Colombia. En 1840-1841, se estableció una república independiente de corta duración bajo Tomás de Herrera. Después de reincorporarse a Colombia después de una independencia de 13 meses, siguió siendo una provincia que experimentó frecuentes estallidos rebeldes, en particular la crisis de Panamá de 1885, que vio la intervención de la Armada de los Estados Unidos y una reacción de la Armada de Chile.
The Finland in the west to Siberia's Pacific Coastline to the east.