Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) (Part 21)
Auditor General (Part 22)
Public Service Commission (Part 23)
Election Commission (Part 24)
National Human Rights Commission (Part 25)
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (Part 26)
Answer:By "commonwealth" I must be understood all along to mean not a democracy, or any form of government, but any independent community which the Latins signified by the word civitas, to which the word which best answers in our language is "commonwealth,"
in 63 of the nation's 99 legislative chambers, committee chairs are appointed by the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House. Sometimes, another legislative leader—such as the president pro tem, the speaker pro tem or the majority leader—selects the committee chairs.
what this is asking is for you to show what sets the two political parties apart (for examples, their stances on the same situation or some of the motives that are found in this political party). in the center this asks you to find similarities; are there things that both parties strive for? one example I can think of off the top of my head for the differences is that the Republican party has, in history, been known for taking more "aggressive" stances as opposed to Democratic counterparts; but like the instructions say you need to cite internet sources. hope this helped!
because salted meat could last a long time