West Virginia's leading industry, coal, underwent wrenching changes. In the early stages of the Depression, the industry suffered from a virtual collapse as mining companies failed and unemployment grew, leaving once busy coal camps idle and stranding thousands of miners and their families.
An anti imperialist believes that one country should not take over or control another government's resource or trade and even their way of life
<span>The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on Sept. 22, 1862. It freed slaves in the rebellious states against the union (slave states and southern states). Although it was issued, it didn't immediately free the slaves. They couldn't just leave their slave owner, they may get killed or tortured. SO, When the Civil War started in 1861-1865, Lincoln had prioritized the union over his freeing of the slaves. (He already issued the emancipation in 1861 anyway) So in 1862, thousands of slaves fled the south and rebellious states to join the Northern Army. When slaves joined the northern army in the free northern states, they became a free man and had quarters to live in. Lincoln was then convinced that what he had done in previous years had turned into a military strategy.</span>
Changes in the money supply affect people and businesses in a variety of ways. The size of the money supply can increase and decrease the cost of borrowing or the rate of interest thus making it easier or harder for businesses and individuals to borrow money. Also the size of the money supply or a nation's monetary policy can influence inflation and the growth of an economy which influences both individuals and businesses as well.