An individual or a group of individuals can actually maintain a certain quality of language and usage for a special amount of time as long as they continuously use a particular level of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Language changes over time, in general and within individuals through life. If somebody's job or education requires, for example, the usage of complex language features, then it is likely that the person will perpetuate such characteristics.
Horatio is Hamlet's closest friend, and he's the only one who really seems to deserve the title. Unlike Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (also Hamlet's old chums), Horatio's loyalty and common sense are rock-steady throughout the play.
In fact, one of the first things we learn about Horatio is his good sense. When we first see Horatio, he's been called to the castle by the guards because he's a "scholar" (he goes to school in Wittenberg with Hamlet). That means he should be able to judge whether or not the apparition that's been appearing on the battlements is actually a ghost. According to Marcellus, Horatio says that the ghost is "but [the guards'] fantasy, / And will not let belief take hold of him" (1.1.28-29).
He's convinced of the spirit's legitimacy soon enough, but his initial skepticism introduces the first note of doubt in the play, one that will haunt his friend Hamlet for several acts.
D. Brief
brief is the opposite of prolonged.
The physical features of the nation of Nepal include mountains, wetlands, hills, caves and plains. Because of its diverse topography, the country experiences a wide range of climates, including extreme cold and tropical rains.
Nepal, a small, rural country in South Asia, is landlocked by China to the north and India to the south, west and east. It is divided into three geographical areas: the Himalayan Mountain range, the mid region and the Terai Plains.
Most famous for the mountain range, Nepal is host to Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world at just over 29,000 feet. Below the snowline, hardy forests and pastures flourish in the cold, dry climate of the mountainous region. The temperate climate and hilly topography of the country's midlands attract a majority of the population. With most of Nepal's industry being agricultural, many Nepalese live in this rural region to cultivate rice fields and other crops.
To the south are the Terai Plains, a tropical lowland with high summer temperatures and warm winters. From the months of June through September, the lowlands are soaked with monsoonal rains. The tropical forests house many exotic species of wildlife.
Nepal features more than 6,000 rivers, many of which are fed from the Himalayan snows or the lowland rains. There are also dozens of caves, some serving as religious pilgrimage sites.
You should turn it into an assertion because then with your essay or whatever you're using to back it up, you can affirm that your thesis statement is true/correct or w/e