ICT means, Information and Communication Technologies
ICT is a borders term for information technology which refers to all communication technologies including the Internet wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking and other media applications and services
XML (Extensible Markup Language):
XML (Xtensible Markup Language):
It is a markup language that is used for creating web-pages, it defines a set of rules that makes it readable both to humans and machine.
XML was primarily designed to be a software and hardware independent tool and it's focus was on data. XML provides a framework for defining markup languages.
XML, HTML and XHTML are all related to each other because they are all markup languages and can be used to build websites.
-HTML is primarily for web-pages.
-XML is primarily for data.
-XHTML is a standard based on HTML that follows the strict rules of XML.
ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
if (ranforce == 0)
disp('There is no wind')
else if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)
disp('There is a breeze')
else if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)
disp('This is a gale')
else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)
disp('It is a storm')
else if(ranforce==12)
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')
<em>Replace all switch case statements with if and else if statements.</em>
<em>An instance is:</em>
<em>case {7,8,9}</em>
<em>is replaced with</em>
<em>else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)</em>
<em>All other disp statements remain unchanged</em>