Answer: so in this story Delphine goes to Oakland to meet her mother whom abandoned them on the way they met freinds went to mean lady’s Ming whom they called because of her temper about egg rolls? Weird right?. Then they went to a gather call. Blah blah blah. Big ma answers the call and asked them why depjine’s mother is not with them and then I think his father is their sleeping Delphine calls to let them know she is safe in okland hope I answered your question
The Metamorphosis is a short story written by Franz Kafka. Surrealism is a movement that began in the 1920s. Artists created strange creatures from everyday objects. Surrealism's aim was to allow the unconscious to express itself. The incident inThe Metamorphosis that shows surrealism is Mr. Samsa fatally wounding Gregor with apples (a). Gregor is transformed into an insect right at the beginning of the story. The rest of the story deals with the ways Gregor and his family battle to adjust to his transformation.
There are several types of conflicts in literature:
You have:
1. Man versus Self
2. Man versus another character
3. Man versus nature (ex. To build a Fire by Jack London)
4. Man versus Society (ex: Atlas Shrugged)
In this case I would think that the conflict is found in D: Perseus's effort to escape from the Gorgons after he kills Medusa.
The reason why I feel that D is the best option is because There is a cause and effect of the conflict. Pereus caused a death and now that brings conflict into the picture especially since it says he has to put effort into escaping the other characters (Gorgons).
Good luck and I hope this helped.
Whats the question exactly?
Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice,
strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.
I had the same question