The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God.
The archduke was assassinated in the city of Sarajevo
Ancient Roman law -also known as Justinian law- consisted of codified law. A codex was a gathering of all civil Roman law, to ensure that law and justice were clear and transparent.
Nowadays, we can find codified systems in various European and Latin American countries and in some parts of The United States of America, such as Louisiana. These codified systems were inspired and modeled after ancient Roman law.
Legal terminology used today is highly influenced by Latin terminology -this is terminology used in Roman law.-
Regarding ancient Greece, philosophy developed by the Greeks was used by Romans in the process of developing legal theories and deciding on different points of law. The Draconian code, developed by a Greek, was the one that had a homicide law that distinguished between involuntary homicide and premeditated homicide.
Another important thing to highlight is Greek rhetoric, this is the way in which people spoke which has influenced the way in which lawyers speak nowadays.
Castro had too large of an army to fight the invaders.The United States failed to provide adequate support.The Soviet Union had provided too many modern weapons.Castro found out about the invasion before it occurred.
The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain, ushered in a new era of economic prosperity for many people. Through higher employment rates in factories, the income of the average citizen rose. This income was then used to purchase goods, which required more factory workers, which further increased income.