Answer: Outline your steps to take action, know what supplies or things you may need and choose one of your ideas(or more) to act upon.
you can use a variety of devices that tie together words in a sentence, sentences in a paragraph, paragraphs into an essay.
by starting small and continuing to learn the next concept after you have fully understood the first
Makes a Science of Literary Criticism.
Viable Method enables a Professional Discipline.
Develops "Close-Reading" skills.
The basis for other language-centered theories.
Great for analyzing poetry.
Well-known approach.
Readily applied informally.
A. Eventually he gave up, saying, "The problem is too complicated, scientifically insoluble."
B. But Akerblad's success in identifying so many demotic characters now led him to make a serious mistake.
C. It was like the inspired hunches that have led so many of the great advances in science and technology over the ages.
D. Because of this mistaken belief, Young put roadblocks in his own path.